Reiki + Meditation

Reiki is a japanese form of energy healing that promotes physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Reiki is a form of energy work that helps to clear out stagnant energy and emotions to balance the chakra system, alleviating symptoms of anxiety, burnout, stress and pain. It is a gentle, but powerful, form of energy work that promotes deep relaxation, allowing your body to innately clear out anything not in alignment with its highest good. This creates space for healing and a deeper connection to your own intuition.

As a Reiki Master I have been attuned to channel healing Reiki energy (Universal Life Force) which during a treatment flows to you. I begin each Reiki session with some gentle breathing and a guided meditation that introduces you to each of your chakras - the system of energy centers that run along the midline of our body from the base of the spine to the crown. Meditation is a great way to settle in and open up your energy for the Reiki healing.

My intention for each Reiki session is for you to leave feeling like your burdens are lighter and with clarity and a renewed connection to yourself to make the most aligned choices for your mind, body + spirit.

I offer Auriculotherapy (Ear Seeds) as a companion treatment to your Reiki session, helping to support your physical + emotional bodies as you integrate the healing from your session over the days following. This is an optional enhancement to your Reiki session and can be selected in when you book.



what to expect

  • When you arrive we’ll spend a few minutes reviewing your goals for the session and any questions you have

  • You’ll lie down on the Reiki table (it’s just like a massage bed) - you can kick off your shoes, but otherwise you will stay fully clothed. I will then help you settle in with some light breathing exercises and a short, guided meditation.

  • I will begin the Reiki treatment, which will be about 30 minutes long.

  • We’ll save some time at the end to discuss your experience and review any questions as well as pull an Oracle Card for clarity if you choose to.

  • If you booked “Reiki with Ear Seeds,” we will apply your ear seeds and you’ll be on your way!

  • For more information about what to expect and how to prepare for your session, click here.

 my reiki story

A few years ago I didn’t even know how to pronounce the word Reiki (for the record it’s RAY-key). As open and intrigued by energy work as I’ve always been, it’s just not a modality that I had crossed paths with. Then one day, seemingly out of nowhere, I got an intuitive hit to learn Reiki. For the days and weeks following the word popped up in the most surprising places - I followed the cues and landed in the capable hands of my teacher, Nina Endrst. Over the past few years Nina attuned me to Reiki I and II and most recently Reiki Master, empowering me to treat and train others in this healing modality.

benefits of reiki

- Drops the mind into a meditative state, providing deep relaxation

- Reduces feelings of stress and anxiety

- Supports better sleep

- Stimulates the immune system

- Promotes natural self-healing

- Relieves pain and tension

- Supports the well-being of people receiving traditional medical treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation and recent surgery

I pride myself on being an ethical practitioner. While I believe fully in the healing benefits of Reiki, it is not a replacement for Western Medicine, Mental Health Care or Therapy. I am happy to refer out to trusted professionals in those areas of expertise when appropriate.

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